infoServ IOC information server

URLs supported:

/help? this page you're here...
/info? (JSON data) server information test it!
/pvs?[fields=FIELD[,FIELD2...]] (JSON data) get list of records on IOC, and optionally field values test it!
/env?VARNAME[,VARNAME2...] (JSON data) get values of IOC environment variables test it!
/file?FILENAME (TEXT) get contents of a given file
absolute directory paths ONLY
MUST be subdir of $(TOP) or allowed by IOC call to infoServAllowFilePath()
test it!
/fileexists?FILENAME (JSON) whether the given file exists, same limitations as /file? test it!
/filepaths? (JSON data) get list of allowed file paths for /file? and /fileexists? test it!
/startup? (JSON data) get IOC startup script info test it!
