CRDC calibrations

Mask calibration

CRDC mask calibrations are used to relate channel numbers and true physical distances in mm for the position-sensitive cathode readout drift chambers. A mask with a distinct and well-determined pattern of slits and holes can be inserted remotely in front each CRDC. The particles passing through the holes leave the pattern of the mask in the position spectrum of the detectors. First-order polynomials are used for the calibration. In x direction, where the position is determined from the charge induced in the pads, the slope of the first-order polynomial is fixed by the geometry of the detector to 2.54 mm/pad. The offset has to be set to center the "beam hole" at 0 mm. Since the drift time depends on the drift voltage, the gas composition and pressure, the y slope will change from experiment to experiment.

How to take data for the mask calibration:

For past experiments, we recommend to use SpecTcl 2.1 for the analysis of the mask-calibration spectra and to use the "map to real parameters" option in xamine to display the channel number of the TDC that used to processes the drift time. s800.crdcn.drift.raw was a 16bit parameter and 16bit spectra are too big to be handled by SpecTcl/Xamine. In SpecTcl 2.1, the spectrum can be binned to a reasonable size and the mapping option then recovers the true channel numbers of the TDC. Consequently, in older versions of SpecTcl, the channel number for the y calibration must be scaled to consider the 16 bit.

pattern of the mask (pdf)


Pad Calibration