// Author: Andrew M. Rogers <mailto, NSCL 08/01/2008
//* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Andrew M. Rogers

#include <math.h>

#include "TNucleus.h"

#include <TH1D.h>


   An object to hold nuclear data.
   END_HTML */

const Char_t *kElements[119] = {"n" ,"H" ,"He","Li","Be","B" ,"C" ,"N" ,"O" ,"F" ,
				"Ne","Na","Mg","Al","Si","P" ,"S" ,"Cl","Ar","K" ,
				"Ca","Sc","Ti","V" ,"Cr","Mn","Fe","Co","Ni","Cu",
				"Zn","Ga","Ge","As","Se","Br","Kr","Rb","Sr","Y" ,
				"Sn","Sb","Te","I" ,"Xe","Cs","Ba","La","Ce","Pr",
				"Yb","Lu","Hf","Ta","W" ,"Re","Os","Ir","Pt","Au",
				"Th","Pa","U" ,"Np","Pu","Am","Cm","Bk","Cf","Es",

TNucleus::TNucleus(Int_t Z, Int_t A)
  // -- Default Constuctor.

  fSep  = new THashList();
  fQVal = new THashList();

  if(Z>-1 && Z<120){
    fZ  = Z;
    fA  = A;
    fN  = A-Z;
    fNZ = fN-Z;
    fElement = (Char_t*)kElements[Z];
    Char_t title[50];
    printf("ERROR:  Z is not known.\n");

TNucleus::TNucleus(const char *name, const char *title, Int_t Z, Int_t A)
  // -- Constuctor.

  fSep  = new THashList();
  fQVal = new THashList();

  if(Z>-1 && Z<120){
    fZ  = Z;
    fA  = A;
    fN  = A-Z;
    fNZ = fN-Z;
    fElement = (Char_t*)kElements[Z];
    printf("ERROR:  Z is not known.\n");

TNucleus::TNucleus(const TNucleus &nuc) : TNamed(nuc)
  // -- Copy constructor.


void TNucleus::Copy(TObject &nuc)const
  // --
  ((TNucleus&)nuc).fNZ         = fNZ;
  ((TNucleus&)nuc).fN          = fN;
  ((TNucleus&)nuc).fA          = fA;    
  ((TNucleus&)nuc).fElement    = fElement;
  ((TNucleus&)nuc).fMassEx     = fMassEx;
  ((TNucleus&)nuc).fMassExUnc  = fMassExUnc;
  ((TNucleus&)nuc).fBE         = fBE;
  ((TNucleus&)nuc).fBEUnc      = fBEUnc;
  ((TNucleus&)nuc).fBetaDE     = fBetaDE;
  ((TNucleus&)nuc).fBetaDEUnc  = fBetaDEUnc;
  ((TNucleus&)nuc).fAMass      = fAMass;
  ((TNucleus&)nuc).fAMassUnc   = fAMassUnc;

  //  fSep.Copy(((TNucleus&)nuc).fSep);
  //  fQVal.Copy(((TNucleus&)nuc).fQVal);


Double_t TNucleus::GetSepE(Char_t *type)
  // -- Get the seperation energy for the given removal type.
  // Valid removal types are: n, p, 2n, 2p

  TH1D *htmp = (TH1D*)fSep->FindObject(type);
  if(htmp==0) {printf("ERROR:  Cannot get separation energy. Invalid type %s.\n",type); return sqrt(-1.0);}
  return htmp->GetBinContent(0);

Double_t TNucleus::GetSepEUnc(Char_t *type)
  // -- Get the seperation energy for the given removal type.
  // Valid removal types are: "n", "p", "2n", "2p"

  TH1D *htmp = (TH1D*)fSep->FindObject(type);
  if(htmp==0) {printf("ERROR:  Cannot get separation energy uncertainty. Invalid type %s.\n",type); return sqrt(-1.0);}
  return htmp->GetBinContent(1);

Double_t TNucleus::GetQVal(Char_t *type)
  // -- Get the Q-value for the given reaction type.
  // Valid reaction types are: "a", "2B-", "ep", "B- n", "4B-", "d,a", "p,a", "n,a" 

  TH1D *htmp = (TH1D*)fQVal->FindObject(type);
  if(htmp==0) {printf("ERROR:  Cannot get Q-value. Invalid type %s.\n",type); return sqrt(-1.0);}
  return htmp->GetBinContent(0);

Double_t TNucleus::GetQValUnc(Char_t *type)
  // -- Get the Q-value uncertainty for the given reaction type.
  // Valid reaction types are: "a", "2B-", "ep", "B- n", "4B-", "d,a", "p,a", "n,a" 

  TH1D *htmp = (TH1D*)fQVal->FindObject(type);
  if(htmp==0) {printf("ERROR:  Cannot get Q-value uncertainty. Invalid type %s.\n",type); return sqrt(-1.0);}
  return htmp->GetBinContent(1);

void TNucleus::Print(Option_t *option)
  // -- Print nuclear data.

    printf("%4s %3s %3s %3s %4s %26s %21s %21s %24s\n",
	   "N-Z","N","Z","A","EL"," ------MASS EXCESS------ "," -BINDING ENERGY/A- ",
	   " -BETA-DECAY ENERGY- ","  -----ATOMIC MASS----- ");
    printf("%38s %24s %21s %26s \n","(keV)","(keV)","(keV)","(micro-u)");
  printf("%4i %3i %3i %3i %4s %13.5lf %11.5lf %11.3lf %9.3lf %11.3lf %9.3lf %12.5lf %11.3lf\n",

void TNucleus::Clear(Option_t *option)
  // --
  Int_t    valI = -99;
  Double_t valD = sqrt(-1.0);
  fNZ        = valI;
  fN         = valI;
  fZ         = valI;
  fA         = valI;
  fElement   = "NONE";
  fMassEx    = valD;
  fMassExUnc = valD;
  fBE        = valD;
  fBEUnc     = valD;
  fBetaDE    = valD;
  fBetaDEUnc = valD;
  fAMass     = valD;
  fAMassUnc  = valD;


Last change: Sun Dec 21 13:31:59 2008
Last generated: 2008-12-21 13:31

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