#ifndef __S800ROOTGLOBALS_H
#define __S800ROOTGLOBALS_H 1
#ifndef __TS800IMTRACK_H
#define __TS800IMTRACK_H

#ifndef __S800PACKETS_H
#include "S800Packets.h"
#define __S8000PACKETS_H
#ifndef __S800DEFINE_H
#include "S800define.h"
#define __S800DEFINE_H
#ifndef __ROOTDEFINE_H
#include "rootDefine.h"
#define __ROOTDEFINE_H

#include "TBranch.h"
#include "TObject.h"
#include "TString.h"
#include "TTree.h"

using namespace std;

// Forward class declarations
class TS800;

class TS800ImTrack : public TObject{

  TS800ImTrack *fCon;                  //!
  TS800        *parent;                //! Parent S800 class.

  Float_t      xim;                 //
  Float_t      yim;                 //
  Float_t      aim;                 //
  Float_t      bim;                 //
  Float_t      dim;                 //
  Float_t      xta;                 //
  Float_t      yta;                 //
  Float_t      ata;                 //
  Float_t      bta;                 // 
  Float_t      dta;                 // 
  Float_t      incoming;            //
  Double_t     zim;                 //!
  Double_t     gap;                 //!

  // 		TS800ImMap map;
  TString      name;                   //!
  TBranch      *b_xim;                 //!
  TBranch      *b_yim;                 //!
  TBranch      *b_aim;                 //!
  TBranch      *b_bim;                 //!
  TBranch      *b_dim;                 //!
  TBranch      *b_xta;                 //!
  TBranch      *b_yta;                 //!
  TBranch      *b_ata;                 //!
  TBranch      *b_bta;                 //!
  TBranch      *b_dta;                 //!

  TTree        *fChain;                //!
  Int_t        fCurrent;                               //! Current Tree number in a TChain

  TS800ImTrack() {}
  virtual ~TS800ImTrack() {}
  TS800ImTrack(const TS800ImTrack &);                  // The copy constructor.

  Int_t    Calculate(Long64_t entry);                      //
  void     Clear(Option_t *option="");                     //
  void     Copy(TObject &imTrack) const;                   // The copy method.
  void     GetEntry(Int_t i);                              //
  void     InitClass(TString iname, TS800 *itop);          //
  void     InitTree(TTree *tree);                          //
  ClassDef(TS800ImTrack,3)     // S800 Intermediate Image Tracking.


Last change: Sun Dec 21 12:38:55 2008
Last generated: 2008-12-21 12:38

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