// Author: Andrew M. Rogers <mailto, NSCL 07/01/2006
//* Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Andrew M. Rogers

#ifndef  __TTARGET_H
#define  __TTARGET_H

#ifndef  __ROOTDEFINE_H
#define  __ROOTDEFINE_H
#include "rootDefine.h"

#include "TGeoElement.h"
#include "TGeoManager.h"
#include "TObject.h"

using namespace std;

class TTarget : public TGeoElementRN{
  TGeoElementTable *fTableTar;                               //!
  TGeoElementRN    *fTarNuclei;                              //! 

  Int_t          fLadder;                                 //! Ladder number.
  Int_t          fLadderPos;                              //! Ladder position.
  Double_t       fThickness;                              //! Target thickness in mg/cm^-2.
  TGeoManager      *fGeomTar;                                //!

  TTarget(const char *name, const char *title, TGeoManager *fGManager,
	  Int_t ladder, Int_t ladderPos, Double_t tickness,
	  Int_t Z, Int_t A);
  TTarget(const TTarget &);                // The copy constructor.
  ~TTarget() {}

  Int_t     GetLadder()   {return fLadder;   }     //
  Int_t     GetLadderPos(){return fLadderPos;}     //
  Double_t  GetThickness(){return fThickness;}     //

  void      Print();

  ClassDef(TTarget,1)     // A fixed target.


Last change: Tue Dec 16 22:01:06 2008
Last generated: 2008-12-16 22:01

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