Notes on Multiplexer setup. Jon Barney 11/15/2016 Initial setup should be done using minicom. See: I used Ubuntu, and here were my settings in minicom: serial device: /dev/ttyUSB0 -This was because I was communicating with a USB-to-serial adapter Bps/Par/Bits 115200 8N1 Hardware Flow control: No Software Flow Control: Yes Modem and Dialing: Clear anything for A-I (I should try without doing this?) Screen and Keyboard: add linefeed: no local echo: no line wrap: yes hex display: no add carriage return: no It's important to run minicom with sudo. Once set up, connect to the serial port of the multiplexer. run minicom: >sudo minicom and then turn on the multiplexer. You should see the multiplexer booting. When you get to login, use credentials provided to you. These are not saved here as the document is not secure. go to: /etc/network/ and modify the "interfaces" file as needed. Backups may be present. the "address" field is the IP address that the multiplexer will try to set when booting. plug the multiplexer into the DAQ network, and reboot the multiplexer. Attempt to communicate through SSH on a a DAQ machine. If the multiplexer started but you cannot communicate through SSH, troubleshooting is beyond the scope of this readme.