Symmetry Energy Project


US flag United States

Y. Ayyad, J. Barney, Z. Chajecki, P. Danielewicz, J. Estee, U. Garg, W. Lynch, A. McIntosh, P. Morfouace, R. Shane, M. B. Tsang, S. Tangwancharoen, S. Yennello

Japan flag Japan

K. Ieki, T. Isobe, M. Keneko, M. Kurata-Nishimura, T. Murakami, J. Murata, Y. Nakai, S. Nishimura, A. Ono, H. Sakurai, A. Taketani, T. Usukura

China flag China

R. Wang, Z. Xiao, Y.X. Zhang, Y.F. Zhang, Y. Zhang

Britain flag United Kingdom

M. Chartier, R. Lemmon, W. Powell

France flag France

E. Pollaco

Italy flag Italy

G. Verde

Korea flag Korea

B. Hong, G. Jhang. J.W. Lee

Poland flag Poland

P. Lasko, J. Lukasik, P. Pawloski

TPC collaboration team

Contact Information

Questions and comments can be addressed to:

Betty Tsang

National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory
Michigan State University

Click on each country name to the left to find contact information for collaboration members.

Institution Websites

NSCL FRIB Kyoto University WMU RIKEN Texas A&M

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